Okay...what's a movie without a director? So now here are the possible directors whom I think will bring the fantasy to reality with their extraordinary talent and imagination.


George Lucas

Yup. The man behind the Star Wars movies. He'll do a great job directing the Final Fantasy movies.


Peter Jackson

The director of the box office triogy, The Lord of the Rings. His outstanding skills would definitely portray the world of Final Fantasy into something extraordinary.


Sam Raimi

The guy who directed Spiderman. Really imaginative.


PJ Hogan

He was the one who directed Peter Pan (2003). He definitely has a lot of potential.


Gore Verbinski

The ex punk band member (cool) who directed Pirates of the Caribbean and The Ring.


Stephen Sommers

The man behind "The Mummy" and "Van Helsing".


Chris Columbus

The director of the first two Harry Potter movies. Another potential FF director.


Guillermo Del Toro

The director of "Hellboy" and "Blade II".


Wolfgang Petersen

He directed the box office hit movie "Troy".


Joss Whedon

The man behind the success of hit TV series Buffy and Angel. Thanks for this suggestion, Liam.


Andrew Adamson

The director of the wonderful movie "Chronicles of Narnia" and the Shrek series. I think he has great potential.



Christopher Nolan

- The director of Batman Begins. Thanks for the suggestion, Mr. Mohamad Taufiq Morshidi :)



Kerry Conran

- Another suggestion from Morshidi. Kerry is the director of Sky Captain the World of Tomorrow.

Got suggestion ?s email me to this address: theredscorpionmoviecast@yahoo.com


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